Tag: Vaour
Vaour hosts a billion visitors in its pond
The good people of Vaour got together to save the pond at the Cite du Lac from trees that had fallen into it and the blanket of weed that had begun to choke the water. I wrote a little about their heroic efforts in another post (https://petermobbs.com/eco-2/). My guess is that when they were carrying…
Outing to the lakes
This is my first post under ‘Macro’ but it could equally well perhaps have appeared under another of my web-site’s headings (‘Eco’, ‘France’, etc.). It’s about a couple of short trips to find and photograph dragonflies. There are a number of places near Penne and Vaour where one can find many species of these most…
p e t e r m o b b s . c o m
This is the landing page for petermobbs.com. The main entries are to be found in the blog pages. To access them please click on the button above. The topics covered range from posts on ecology and politics to macro photography, electronics, reviews of photographic gear and living in France.