Tag: nature
Spirostomum the fastest thing in Vaour?
This is another short essay on some of the fascinating creatures that live in the water of the rather intriguing pond to be found at the Cite du Lac in Vaour. In this case, a unicellular worm that lives on the floor of that pond. When thinking about fast animals one’s mind usually springs to…
Some observations on dragonflies
We think we are so smart and that our creations are so very fantastic, but the truth is that even the humblest of living organisms makes our greatest creations look like toys. Dragonflies and damsel flies are ancient insects but they are very good examples of unbelievably refined flying machines that should make drone enthusiasts…
A tale of two ponds
This essay is about two of our local ponds in France. The 20th century has not been kind to ponds. In both France and Britain, many were drained to create more farmland or filled in to make room for new developments. Some ponds went to waste and others were stuffed full of it! In France and…
Outing to the lakes
This is my first post under ‘Macro’ but it could equally well perhaps have appeared under another of my web-site’s headings (‘Eco’, ‘France’, etc.). It’s about a couple of short trips to find and photograph dragonflies. There are a number of places near Penne and Vaour where one can find many species of these most…
p e t e r m o b b s . c o m
This is the landing page for petermobbs.com. The main entries are to be found in the blog pages. To access them please click on the button above. The topics covered range from posts on ecology and politics to macro photography, electronics, reviews of photographic gear and living in France.
Macro – things you can see with the naked eye if you look!
This is a small gallery of pictures mostly taken with either an Olympus EM-1 Mk2 or an OM-1 Mk2 with 60 or 90mm OM macro lenses, a Godox V350o flash and a homemade diffuser. Some images are the results of ‘stacking’ between 5 and 20 images or of other tricks but most are single shots.…