Believe you me, there isn’t. The fantastically wealthy have been busy buying land in New Zealand and in other places they feel they may avoid the ‘ecotastrophy’. They won’t.
Use the links to navigate:
A tale of two ponds – the ‘reawakening’ of two local ponds. One as a result of increased rainfall and the other through the efforts of local volunteers.
Some observations on dragonflies – inspired by my attempts at photographing them, I decided to read about their behaviour. The link is to an essay on some aspects of the lives of dragonflies and some of the behaviours I have observed.
Of moths and ‘mothing’ in the Gresigne – the colouration of moth wings, moth trapping and the sheer beauty of many of the things we don’t see because we are asleep!

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All the pictures and content on these pages are the copyright of the author and of They may not be reused in any form without the express permission of the author.